On 26 February 2014 Igor Pavlovsky, Chief Editor of St Petersburg branch of REGNUM Information Agency, gave a seminar in the use of PR technologies for event organization with a special emphasis on the Internet as a tool for event promotion.

The talk was held in an informal atmosphere, brightened up by jokes and cases from daily practice. The speaker talked about the effective ways to present information about oneself or upcoming events, or how to cover an event in such a way as to attract potential target audience and get their feedback, or how to motivate them to take part or pass around the information about the event.

Mr Pavlovsky’s professional life is rich in examples, and he amply relied on them to explain the Internet format Web 2.0, the nature of  information repost and how to properly use the technology Push, Pull & Pass. He also elaborated on how fast information spreads or goes out of date, what advertising and promotion channels are most popular today, and how to use them to one’s advantage.